Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
1. Choose a gender. Male
2. Choose a place of birth. Where is your character from? Africa
3. Choose a hobby. Bowling
4. Choose a past job. Driver's Ed Teacher
5. Choose a present job. Grocery Store Sample Provider
6. Choose a past love interest. Betty Flamingo
7. Choose an enemy. Crocodiles
8. Choose a pet. Sandpiper
9. Why is your character not working at the old job? It was too stressful
10. What is the life purpose of your character? To get along with everyone
11. Why is your character not with the old love interest? She moved to Australia
12. Why does your character not make the hobby a profession? He's not very good
13. How did your character make the enemy? The crocodiles keep trying to eat him
14. What is your character afraid off? Crocodiles, bad drivers, clowns, jumping insects
15. How did the pet once save the character's life? There was an insect that was bothering him, trying to bite him, and the bird ate it
16. What does he / she think about? He thinks about what people think about him, what he is going to have for supper, and what he will do with his friends on his day off
17. What is their main obstacle in life? Not being very good at his job
18. What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything to avoid? Why? What has he already done to avoid this? What do you see him doing in the future to avoid it? He would avoid hurting the people he cares about, because he has a lot of empathy. Therefore he sometimes is a pushover and sacrifices things that he wants in favor of others, like when his old girlfriend wanted to get a job in Australia, he didn't argue with her. He might sacrifice success in his career because he doesn't want to inconvenience anyone.
19. What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything in the world to have? Why? What has he already done to try to obtain it? What does he hope to try in the future? he would do anything to have a good home life, because it is the one place where he can be comfortable and safe. He has secured a good home with a pond and comfortable furniture, with a pet he cares about. He hopes to get married and have a family one day.
20. What is his/ her strengths and weaknesses? His strength is his empathy and willingness to stand up for his friends. His weakness is the same, and his tendency to not stand up for himself.
21. What is your character's name? What is your character's age, and physical description. His name is Bonaparte, he is 32, and quite rotund, with bad eyesight.
22. What type of friends does he have? His best friends are an elephant with a slight aggression problem, a very anxious zebra, and a monkey who thinks a lot of himself.
23. Write everything else you know about your character, right now. He and his buddies like to meet after work at one of their houses or at the bowling alley on Thursday and Saturday nights. Other than that, he likes to remain at home with his television, books, pet bird, and a bowl of popcorn. Occasionally, when he gets excited or caught up in something new, he will go out to a gallery opening or a park or a movie, often because a girl invited him. He hates going to the dentist. He likes his job at the grocery store because he gets to meet all different kinds of people.